Edmonds Assault Attorney
Aggressively Defending Clients Against Assault throughout the Puget Sound Region
Assault charges can lead to significant consequences, depending on the severity of the offense and other factors. Because it is a violent crime, prosecutors and judges take any type of assault very seriously. You could be facing jail or prison time, hefty fines, and a lengthy period of probation. A conviction could affect your job or career, your reputation, and leave you with a permanent criminal record that makes future employment, housing, financial aid, and other opportunities difficult. Getting sound legal advice and guidance is crucial to ensure that you have the best possible defense.
If you are facing any type of assault charge, I strongly recommend that you turn to Johanson Law Group, Inc. where you can work with me as your Edmonds assault lawyer. I have been defending clients in the area for three decades, am a former prosecutor, and bring a wealth of practical experience, knowledge, and advantageous legal relationships with judges and other attorneys to any case. My credibility as a criminal defender is high due to the successful results I have routinely obtained for my clients over the years. As a former prosecutor, I understand how the other side works and can use that inside knowledge in crafting your defense.
Accused of assault? Get the assistance you need by discussing your case with me as soon as possible. Call (425) 341-4347 or contact my firm online.
Assault in Washington State
Assault in our state is broken down into four degrees. The least serious of these is simple assault, charged as fourth-degree assault while the most serious is first-degree assault.
Simple assault can consist of the following actions:
- Making physical contact such as touching or hitting the other person that can cause harm or be considered offensive
- Making an attempt to cause injury to the other person along with the apparent ability to carry out the action
- Committing some type of act that is meant to put the other person in fear of being harmed
According to the above, you could raise your fist to strike someone putting the other person in fear of being struck without making contact and this could result in a simple assault charge. This type of assault is charged as a gross misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail and/or a fine of up to $5,000.
First-degree assault occurs when you have the intention to cause great bodily harm to another. This type of assault can include:
- Assault with a deadly weapon
- Assault with enough force to bring about death or great bodily harm
- Assault with any quantity of force that succeeds in causing great bodily harm
- Exposing or transmitting the HIV virus to the other person
This degree of assault is charged as a Class A felony carrying up to life in prison and a fine of up to $50,000.
Second-degree assault is charged in cases that are less severe than first-degree assault. This type of assault can include a variety of situations such inflicting “substantial” (as opposed to “great”) bodily harm, assault with a deadly weapon, assault when intending to commit some other felony, poisoning, strangling, or suffocating someone, or causing bodily harm that amounts to torture. It is charged as a Class B felony carrying up to 10 years in jail and up to $20,000 in fines.
Third-degree assault is a special category of lesser types of assaults against a protected class of people, such as police officers, firefighters, health care providers, court officers, and more. It is only charged when the action taken against the alleged victim was not severe enough to cause a charge of second- or first-degree assault. Third-degree assault is charged as a Class C felony carrying up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.
Washington state also specifically criminalizes other types of assault, such as assault against a staff member of a jail or correctional facility and various type of assault against a child under the age of 13.
Dedicated Legal Assistance at Johanson Law Group, Inc.
An assault charge can have life-changing consequences. If you have been accused, it is crucial that you bring in an experienced and trusted criminal defense lawyer. I can thoroughly investigate the charges and take aggressive actions to protect your legal rights and fight for your best interests. I will personally take charge of your case from start to finish, applying all legal means to help you obtain the best possible outcome.
Reach out to Johanson Law Group, Inc. online or at (425) 341-4347 to arrange for a case evaluation today.

Our Client Victories
Felony Domestic Violence - Not Guilty
Murder - Reduced Charges
DUI - Dismissed
DUI - Reduced Charges
Drug Crime - Dismissed

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He has a depth and breadth of experience few attorneys possess. Jim and his team work hard to provide top-tier quality legal services and strategies.- John D.
"I cannot thank you enough"
Jim & Shaun, I cannot thank you enough for all you did for me with my case; it meant a great deal to me.- A.B. -
Because of your hard work and expertise my daughter has been exonerated!- R.B.
You have given Jake his life back and we can't thank you enough for fighting for our son.- Michelle & Michael S.