Edmonds Domestic Violence Attorney
Have You Been Charged With Domestic Violence?
If you have been arrested and charged with domestic violence, it is imperative that you retain the services of an Edmonds criminal defense attorney. As a former member of the Washington legislature, I, Jim Johanson, serve as defense counsel in a range of violent crime cases. I have served as both a prosecutor and defense attorney, and I have extensive personal experience in trial strategy, case development and case presentation. I am a 25-year veteran of the Washington legal system, and founder of Johanson Law Group, Inc. Your case will be handled exclusively by me, personally.
A domestic violence conviction can result in restrictions concerning access to you children or property and will have long term consequences, both personally and professionally. If you are facing domestic violence charges, you must act decisively and quickly. I have served in the State Legislature as Vice Chairman of the Judiciary Committee. I am a well-recognized Washington attorney, with extensive trial experience. My experience and legal knowledge could be of great benefit to you in defending against allegations of abuse or other form of domestic violence.
Penalties for Domestic Violence Charges in Edmonds
In Washington, the law requires that an arrest be made if there is reasonable belief by a police officer that an assault has occurred within 4 hours of being called. This also applies if there has been a violation of a protective order. Domestic violence protective law covers anyone living in the household, not only marital partners or direct family members. If convicted, you will face fines of up to $5000, jail time and the requirement to attend and complete anger management treatment.
Defense Against Criminal Prosecution in Washington
The prosecution of a domestic violence charge will depend on the seriousness of any injuries and whether there are other assault convictions on your criminal record. Often the charges can be dismissed if there is no real evidence of any assault, or threat of assault. It is recognized that a relationship that has trouble could lead to false accusations. Unfortunately, even if you are completely innocent, it is not a simple matter to get charges dismissed even if the alleged victim later recants – this is a system put in place to avoid a victim being coerced or pressured.
Contact us as soon as possible so we can review your case and begin to plan your defense. A domestic violence conviction will be a stain on your character for many years and is should be vigorously defended. I offer a no-charge case evaluation, so don't hesitate to call.

Our Client Victories
Felony Domestic Violence - Not Guilty
Murder - Reduced Charges
DUI - Dismissed
DUI - Reduced Charges
Drug Crime - Dismissed

Our Testimonials
See What Our Clients Are Saying
He has a depth and breadth of experience few attorneys possess. Jim and his team work hard to provide top-tier quality legal services and strategies.- John D.
"I cannot thank you enough"
Jim & Shaun, I cannot thank you enough for all you did for me with my case; it meant a great deal to me.- A.B. -
Because of your hard work and expertise my daughter has been exonerated!- R.B.
You have given Jake his life back and we can't thank you enough for fighting for our son.- Michelle & Michael S.